F&P Spotlight on Maija Jackson, a Founding Firm Principal

What is your practice area, and how did you choose it?
When I was in Law school at UB, I clerked for a Plaintiff’s law firm.  When one of their attorneys left the firm, I was asked to manage their workers’ compensation claims on a day-to-day basis to get them ready for hearings.  I took Richard LaFata’s workers’ compensation class at UB Law School at night.  After passing the Maryland bar, I became an attorney at that firm, but quickly realized that I looked at the claims from the defense perspective.  I moved on to defense work and have never looked back in almost 40 years.  I have been a founding principal at Franklin & Prokopik in the workers’ compensation practice group for the past 24 years.

What is your favorite aspect of working at F&P?
I love the people I work with.  I truly enjoy my clients.  The collaborative effort is so important.  I feel that we have built a firm that really tries to manage the work/life balance.  We have managed to weather the untimely passing of our principal Bob Franklin as well as the COVID-19 pandemic, and will undoubtedly face challenges in the future as our world changes and evolves.  But I am confident in the strength of the bond with my colleagues and the fact that we all have our complementary strengths and skills that we bring to the operation, management and development of the firm.  I am proud to be associated with F&P and look forward to many years ahead.

What’s your favorite restaurant/show/event in Baltimore?
I love the Kinetic Sculpture Race in May in Baltimore City!  One of my sons participated in the design, construction and racing of entries while he was in high school.  It’s a fantastic event which starts and ends at the American Visual Arts Museum on Key Highway and travels throughout Federal Hill, the Inner Harbor, Fells Point, Canton, and Patterson Park.  It’s a great way to spend a spring day and root on the competitors and engineers.

Tell us something about you that few of your colleagues and clients would know.
My parents met as pen pals and corresponded originally in French.

What do you like to do outside the office?
Exercise, martial arts, stamp collecting, caring for my two cats and my dog, and traveling with my family.

What is the weirdest thing you have ever eaten?
A Fig Newton doused in ketchup.  It was a 5th grade lunch dare, and while it was not awful, I have never repeated it.

If you could have lunch with anyone in the world, who would it be?
Wow, so many people come to mind, some living and some no longer with us.  I would love to have had lunch with Robin Williams, but I fear that I would never have gotten to eat because I would have been laughing too hard.  Emma Thompson and Queen Elizabeth II are but a few others.

If you had an eighth day every week, how would you spend it?
Relaxing, reading, and rejuvenating to face the new week.

F&P Spotlight on Resource Specialist Stacy Rippetoe

What is your favorite aspect about working at F&P?
Overall, I love the people I work with. Everyone works extremely well together and is always more than willing to help each other out.

What’s your favorite restaurant?
Texas Roadhouse. I love their green beans.

What’s your proudest accomplishment?
I’d have to say my current role. I started at F&P 10 years ago as an administrative assistant. After four years I was offered the Resource Coordinator position which led me to the Resource Specialist position I am currently in. When I was little, I always wanted to grow up and be a teacher. Then in my later teens, I became obsessed with computers and technology.  So technically you can say I have landed my dream job. I teach people how to use computer programs.

What do you like to do outside the office?
I love spending time with my children. They are my everything, my best friends!

Have you read any good books or seen any good movies this year that you would recommend?
Purple Hearts. I highly recommend it. Have your tissues ready!

What was the best news you ever received?
It’s a boy!!! I love my girls of course, but always wanted that little boy and I got blessed with my main man in 2016.

What is the weirdest thing you have ever eaten?

If you could have lunch with anyone in the world who would it be?
My grandmother just one last time. I lost her very young, and I have so much to tell her and show her. I think she’d be pretty proud of me and my accomplishments considering the hurdles life has thrown at me.

Do you have any bizarre talents?

F&P Spotlight on Associate Jessica Corace

What’s your favorite thing about working with your clients?
I like helping people and solving problems so being able to do that for my clients is very rewarding.

What is your favorite aspect of working at F&P?
Collaborating with my colleagues. F&P has really great people and that makes for an amazing work environment.

What’s your favorite restaurant/show/event in ____ ?
My favorite restaurant is in downtown Annapolis – Osteria 177. It has the BEST food and service, and never disappoints!

Tell us something about you that few of your colleagues and clients would know.
I started running in law school. Now, I am the 5K running coach for Charm City Run – Annapolis. Running can be really intimidating and I really enjoy getting people to see that it is a community, and everyone is welcome.

What do you like to do outside the office?
I love being outside – whether it’s running, traveling, attending a sporting event, or just working from my patio!

What is the weirdest thing you have ever eaten?
The weirdest thing I have ever eaten is sea urchin – I would not do it again!

If you could have lunch with anyone in the world who would it be?
Gwen Stefani – I always have admired her individualism.

Do you have any bizarre talents?
I’m not sure if this counts as a talent, but I do have the uncanny ability to know very random (and typically useless) facts, although it does come in handy on the rare occasion when I get to play trivia

Meet F&P Workers’ Comp Paralegal Mira Ramahi, Who Just Earned Her U.S, Citizenship!

Paralegal Mira Ramahi, who comes to us from Jordan, is happy and proud to say that she has just earned her United States Citizenship after being here eight years. She fled a country where she, as a woman, had few opportunities in the professional world.  Even though she was an adult, she was required to be under the conservatorship of a male. Marriages are arranged, and women are expected to be instructed on what to do. Mira knew from an early age she wanted to help people but knew that her chances were limited in Jordan. With the strong support of her parents, Mira left her family and sought political asylum here in the United States. Mira arrived with a degree in politics and economics. She worked in various fields before deciding to obtain her paralegal certificate from CCBC.  Mira is now a valued member of the F&P workers’ compensation team. Among Mira’s growing list of accomplishments, she has recently added homeowner to her list. She is a foodie who enjoys the Farmers’ Market on Frederick Road, baking, and Japanese food, but no meat please – Mira is a pescatarian. When not baking, Mira also enjoys hiking, European Soccer, and reading. While she likes traveling and experiencing new places, we are thrilled that  Mira now calls America and F&P her home.

F&P Spotlight on Workers’ Compensation Associate Natalie Johnson

What is your practice area and how did you choose it?

Workers’ compensation defense.  I was a paralegal in the field for many years and I really wanted to see the cases through to the end.

What’s your favorite thing about working with your clients?

The feeling that I am trusted to do a good job and have the knowledge to do so.

What is your favorite aspect of working at F&P?

The people.  Everyone is friendly and willing to help others learn and grow. 

What’s your favorite restaurant/show/event in Baltimore?

I love Tapas Teatro in Charles North.  Get the red sangria on Tuesdays!

What’s your proudest accomplishment?

Somehow managing to attend and graduate law school while working. Whew….

Tell us something about you that few of your colleagues and clients would know.

I dug graves for a pet cemetery that my mother-in-law managed.

What do you like to do outside the office?

Garden, play video and board games, read, explore new restaurants, snuggle with my pets and my hubby, stroll along the streets of my neighborhood: Hampden in Baltimore City.

What is your all-time favorite city or town and why?

Paris. I lived there for a few months while studying abroad in college and it’s just wonderful.  It’s not perfect, which makes it even better.  Its history, people, culture, cuisine, and overall vibe are all fabulous.

What was the best news you ever received?

“It’s not cancer.”  2015 was a rollercoaster of a year.

What is the weirdest thing you have ever eaten?

Beef tongue (yum), a chocolate bar with crickets (meh), jellyfish (meh), tripe (yum), acorn Jell-O (yum), habanero cheesecake (yum)… I’m game to try almost anything once. 

If you could have lunch with anyone in the world who would it be?

Living – Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg

Deceased –  Lucille Ball

4/1/2016: F&P Spotlight: Katelyn Vu

What is your practice area and how did you choose it?

I am an associate in the liability department.  I choose liability because it offers a wide variety of different types of cases and provides numerous opportunities to get into court as a young attorney.

What is your favorite aspect about working at F&P?

My favorite aspect about working at F&P is the supportive and team-oriented work environment.  I also love that younger associate get to manage their own case load.

What do you like to do outside the office?

Outside of the office, I enjoy playing lacrosse and fishing.

If you could have lunch with anyone in the world who would it be?

Joe Flacco – I love the Baltimore Ravens.

Do you have any bizarre talents?

I am a third-degree black belt in Tae Kwon Do.