F&P Spotlight on Paralegal Elizabeth Hicks
What is your position and how did you choose it?
I am a workers’ compensation paralegal, a profession that actually chose me. I was hired in my first paralegal job back in 1996 by an attorney whose philosophy was that everyone should work in a law firm at least once in their life. He took a chance on me, and I found the profession I love. Thank you, Mr. Everett!
What do you like to do outside the office?
I am a crafter. I crochet. I think all babies born at F&P since I started have a baby blanket made by me, which are the most fun to create. I scrapbook. There is something about being able to include handwritten notes, thoughts, and trinkets to photos that is just more special than seeing the photos alone. My family and I also enjoy taking road trips – no specific destinations, we just pick a direction and go see what we can see.
What was the best news you ever received?
As a Veteran’s wife, getting the news that my husband was coming home unharmed from deployment.
What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever eaten?
Alligator – once in New Orleans. Glad I did not know what it was before I ate it because it was actually very good.
If you could have lunch with anyone in the world who would it be?
Both of my Grandmothers, who have passed. I miss their insights into life, their witty senses of humor, hearing stories of their lives, and not to mention being able to pick their brains on cooking and flower gardens.