F&P Spotlight on Associate Jessica Corace
What’s your favorite thing about working with your clients?
I like helping people and solving problems so being able to do that for my clients is very rewarding.
What is your favorite aspect of working at F&P?
Collaborating with my colleagues. F&P has really great people and that makes for an amazing work environment.
What’s your favorite restaurant/show/event in ____ ?
My favorite restaurant is in downtown Annapolis – Osteria 177. It has the BEST food and service, and never disappoints!
Tell us something about you that few of your colleagues and clients would know.
I started running in law school. Now, I am the 5K running coach for Charm City Run – Annapolis. Running can be really intimidating and I really enjoy getting people to see that it is a community, and everyone is welcome.
What do you like to do outside the office?
I love being outside – whether it’s running, traveling, attending a sporting event, or just working from my patio!
What is the weirdest thing you have ever eaten?
The weirdest thing I have ever eaten is sea urchin – I would not do it again!
If you could have lunch with anyone in the world who would it be?
Gwen Stefani – I always have admired her individualism.
Do you have any bizarre talents?
I’m not sure if this counts as a talent, but I do have the uncanny ability to know very random (and typically useless) facts, although it does come in handy on the rare occasion when I get to play trivia